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ultraviolet-b radiation中文是什么意思

用"ultraviolet-b radiation"造句"ultraviolet-b radiation"怎么读"ultraviolet-b radiation" in a sentence


  • 紫外线b辐射


  • Effects of enhanced ultraviolet - b radiation on soluble protein and nucleic acid in rice leaves
  • Effects of enhanced ultraviolet - b radiation on diurnal changes of photosynthesis and water use efficiency in luffa cylindrica
  • 1 ) under the enhanced ultraviolet - b radiation , the wheat seedlings shown the decreased height and leaf area , accumulation of screening pigments and " root - bending "
    结果表明: ( 1 )经增强uv - b辐射后,小麦明显表现出植株矮化、叶片卷曲、颜色加深,并产生“翘根” (胚根向上弯曲)现象。
  • Under the condition of the enhanced ultraviolet - b radiation , the phenomenon of abnormal mitosis was first discovered , such as the three - bundle > four - bundle and six - bundle division of the chromosome when the cell is in anaphase
    并在uv - b诱导的小麦根尖细胞中,首次发现染色体在有丝分裂的后期到末期,分成3束、 4束和6束等异常分裂新类型。
用"ultraviolet-b radiation"造句  
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